Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Tentative Approach oil 10"x8" #308

Something that Richard Schmid said on Saturday applies to this painting. He said if anything doesn't work in the painting take it out. I had a blue pitcher in this painting, close to dead center, which was a bit of a mistake anyway, but I never liked the way the pitcher looked. It wasn't symmetrical for one thing and the color was too bright. So, I took it out. Now I have a painting that is heavy on the left side, but I like the grouping and it looks like they are overseeing the approaching crab apples. I like the dark background and soft edges. This was on a bright red cloth and again, it was hard for me not to go crazy with the beautiful red.

1 comment:

  1. I actually like this composition. I tend to find the asymentrical really compelling. I also like painting on linen. I have some small Raymar linen panels that have really spoiled me.
    I envy you your workshop. It sounds as though it was grand.


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