This is an old rusted bike my son gave to me to put in my garden. He has a quirky sense of the visual and also a quirky sense of humor and he keeps me laughing. We have a lot of birch trees in our yard, pines and sugar maples so it is looking very colorful right now. Since DWP's challenge this week was to paint birch trees, it seemed like a good time to do this painting that I have been thinking about for a while. This is part of the view out the front of my studio.
Also: remember I am giving away the following painting at the end of Oct. to one of the blog followers who makes a comment on my blog this month.
Very nice Mom. Can you believe that I thought I could restore that thing? You have gotten proper use out of it.
PS - give the birthday boy a kiss and a hug for me please, and one for his brother as well.
I never would have guessed it was old and rusty, it looks bright and cheerful here!