10"x10" oil |
Some of my concerns have been sneaking into my paintings lately. I try not to be overly political or socially opinionated, but we all have issues that matter to us. I love painting children, especially in poses that are natural and not posed. These three Tweeners are conversing about something important in front of a fashion art poster. I have 3 granddaughters so I am paying attention to the influences our culture has on them. I heard the phrase "Pester Power" in terms referring to children influencing the buying habits of their parents. I don't think this is new, it just seems more excessive and high dollar. I remember pestering my mom to buy me the shoes I wanted. There were tears involved. I lost. I got sturdy tie up shoes instead. "No," was common in my parents' vocabulary. I am concerned about how advertising is helping to define how the young girls see themselves and forming a picture for them of what it means to be a girl. On the other hand, I love to see my girls dressed in their lovely pink dresses as they explore the world and discover its magic and mysteries...like catching salamanders! I may have to paint this scene! Go Figure

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