8"x10" oil Not for Sale |
It is so easy to forget that for the majority of my life I have not had immediate access to obscure information at my fingertips, literally. In my father's lifetime, he went from flying a heavy tin can around to seeing a man land on the moon. We can instantly talk face to face, "2001: A Space Odyssey" style, to friends across the globe. It is amazing, but equally amazing that we can also take courses online for free or very little money. This painting is a result of
Leslie Saeta's online course of painting with a palette knife, which is something new for me. I have been thirsty for a change in my artwork, and even though I don't think painting with a palette knife is it, it is a nice tool to add to my bag of tricks. There are tons of online classes available and the advantage of them is not just the low cost, but the opportunity to take your time or move quickly through them. The drawback is the lack of interaction with other students or an instructor, however most of the art instructors I have become familiar with are willing to correspond via email. I think it is a great way to mix things up a bit and step into new territory. It gives those brain neurons new pathways and shakes things up a bit. It will take making a bunch more of these paintings to feel comfortable with the palette knife, so it may take me while...but I am in no hurry. Considering that I am well into the last quarter of my life, that may not be true about everything....Go Figure!
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