Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Figuratively Speaking - Making Connections

8"x8" oil
I am working on a portrait and trying to take it slow and do it right.  It comes and it goes.  I think I am relying on detail to improve it and I know you have to get the major shapes right first and leave the details to the end.  A stone sculptor chisels away chunks of stone and saves the details for the finish.  A cook focuses on the main dishes and saves the garnishes for last.  The point is made.  Today was a dreary, rainy, bone chilling day and it was the warmest day of the winter.  Give me cold temperatures and lots of snow and I am a happy camper.  People who experience these kind of winter  days have a hard time believing colder temperatures and snow is preferable.  It is drier and beautiful and there are numerous ways to enjoy the snow.  Today was a test of my endurance.  I was so unmotivated I actually caught myself thinking I wished I had a job I could go to! is suppose to be frigid tomorrow night.  I can't wait!  Go Figure!

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