Thursday, February 1, 2018

Figuratively Speaking-Yellow and Purple

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8"x10" acrylic
Routines are really brilliant.  I have lived much of my life thriving on change and even some chaos. I am not sure if I was addicted to the energy of this, if it was truly my personality, or if I was just delusional, but now I like the discipline of routines.  I generally work out and/or recreate in the early morning, then I do some house things, and then head out to my studio.  I hang out with my husband and sometimes we go out in the evening.  It sounds boring when I put it like that, but it offers me time daily to exercise, socialize, keep up with responsibilities and to work.  My weekends are more varied. So this February I am participating in Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge, although since it is February, it is 28 in 28.  I have decided to paint a little clay sculpture my son picked up in Mexico and gave me.  I am focusing my paintings this month on identifying values in the shapes and on color harmony.  This one is shown with the complementary colors yellow and purple.  Unfortunately the values are not showing as well in the photo as they are in the painting.  There is more variety.  I am interested in how flat shapes can suggest volume.  Yellow and purple when mixed create a beautiful brown.  So I am adding another layer of routine to life, which is good, because my grandkids are coming to visit for 2 weeks and I suspect my routines are going to help me maintain my sanity but may also dissolve into enjoyable chaos.  Go Figure!

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